Monday, January 25, 2010

owl love...

I have been doing some drawing with my Wacom tablet in Illustrator and these little love birds are the result. I still prefer my sketchbook, although experimenting with new mediums and ideas are what keep me inspired.
I have been working on my website that I have hopes of launching in the very near future! Finding it tedious but I wanted to design it myself and learn what I can along the way. Such a time consuming process...I found lots of great tutorials out there!!! Check out this link that a friend shared with me...not only tons of info but easy to follow...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Delusions Of Grandeur

Delusions Of Grandeur
Originally uploaded by rybecca
despite the wrinkles that she sees in her reflection at the watering hole...she feels like she looks gorgeously divine!

imagination+illustrator + photoshop

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My poor blog has been neglected! A belated Happy New Year! And that leads me to a resolution to be a more diligent blogger. That having been said, I also need to get back at the drawing board so I can post some new creations! Here is one from the archives... to inspire me!