Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ETSY christmas card love...

1. studioflowerpower
4. ideachic
9. britt hermann
As is a mosaic of some fabulous holiday cards. I have also included the links to these lovely shops! And these are only a few of my favourites!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

team santa or team rudolph?

Christmas cards can by found at my ETSY SHOP. These greeting cards are printed on recycled kraft card stock and have matching envelopes.
I wanted to create some cards with simple graphics that could be found appealing to all, plus a little humour. I do like that organic feel to these. So many great christmas card finds on ETSY this year! I am hoping to share some of my favourites with you soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

photobooth and so much more

We are completely enamoured with my new IMAC. Photobooth is a RIOT... I am anxious to discover all of the other completely cool things this machine can do. The 24" screen is incredible for so many countless reasons. I could go on and on and on...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lean on Me

I have been working on this one for awhile...and today it finally felt complete!
Larger canvas than usual and I thought I might find that intimidating...but not at all. I was so excited for these girls to be complete..they are already in my ETSY SHOP

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I just ordered some lovely new paper...environmentally mindfull kraft card stock loveliness...I can't wait for it to arrive! There is certain to be new "green" holiday cards arriving in The Shop in the very near future!

Friday, November 6, 2009

i'm with stupid

I have been painting more this week than I have in's slow going but hope to post a new painting tonight or tomorrow when finished!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

i am

i am...
watching...Grease videos on YouTube
eating...cashews and an apple
drinking...Golden French Toast Green Mountain Coffee ..yummm
drawing...random people in my sketchbook
making...granny square blanket for my wee little one
thinking...about what other homemade xmas gifts to make this year! go out and feed the pony an apple
learning...self dicipline (only pilfered one halloween candy from the kids stash so far today!)
dreaming...about a possible mini vacation this fall kids don't get the flu before we can get vaccinated!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

world piece

I loved this damask wallpaper so much I had to stand him in front of it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I just added this original to my ETSY SHOP . She's a tiny 8"x8"...much smaller canvas than the usual for me. A painting this size is not one I would normally do....but...doing the creative stretch is always a good thing. Loving blues lately...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

more beauty

Still working on this one. I added some highlights and I love this look. I actually broke out the paintbrushes tonight...I sold an original painting from my ETSY excited and inspired to create...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

vintage photobooth: young grandpa glenn and a girlfriend illustration

found this vintage photo on FREEPARKING FLICKR photostream..
had to illustrate it.
Thanks FREEPARKING for sharing!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by rybecca
Another version of this illustration. Still doesn't feel quite done yet! Back to the drawing board.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ughhh..followers..where are you?

I seem to have lost my followers list...?? has anyone else experienced this? I have reported it hopefully you will be back soon!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Just working on this lovely lady..still a few tweaks before she is done. More soon!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ping pong champion

ping pong champion
Originally uploaded by rybecca

Just a little illustration for the pingpong lover in all of us. Posting this directly from my flickr photostream for a change. More fun illustrations found here...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trudging along posting some of my illustrations and originals on my ETSY was slow going at first but I think i've got the hang of it.

And just a little reminder....

"Be yourself…everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

finally ETSY

Well...I am excited to announce that I have finally opened my ETSY SHOP!!! I have listed two original canvas mixed media paintings for a start. Next will be prints and then I have plans for greeting cards. Please click my link on my sidebar to see my shop!...I would love some feedback. Positive or negative I would truly appreciate your input!
I included an image of a new illustration in this post. It has been no holds barred on illustrations lately for me. With my wee babe only 7 months old...I find my sketchbook and digital art is so much more accessible and not so messy! as getting out the acrylics.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

get messy and sing

This is what happens when you let yourself get paint up to your elbows. I have been experimenting lately and that has led to some interesting new creations. I am excited to post some new digital artwork that I have been working on...if you want a sneak peek of The Retro-T-Shirt Project...visit my flickr photostream!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This is an illustration from my sketchbook. I have been working on keeping my illustrations simple these days. Easier said than done but I think this little birdy has some personality. Still seriously addicted to my sketchbook. The main reason being that I can steal a few minutes here and there throughout my day and still feel like I am being creative. I am ok with it but am hoping to get some time to break out the messiness of my paints and canvases again soon. I leave you with the best of intentions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

something different

Something different....or the same? All I know is that I am loving playing with colour digitally. I think my obsession is obvious!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

pretty houses

Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. Claude Monet

Friday, August 14, 2009


wow...i've been away too long. Family vacation to Nova Scotia was fabulous! Just getting home and organized. Laundry. ughh. etc.
I am feeling painting I am working on to be posted soon! for now..another before and after just for fun.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

before and after...again

Here is another before and after...the before is a black ink drawing in my sketchbook and the after has been digitally enhanced with colour and words in photoshop and illustrator. I am addicted.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

fun houses another before and after

I have been playing around with Photoshop and Illustrator with some of my sketchbook drawings. I am really liking the results and may begin to incorporate more of this into my paintings..hmmm..we will see. If you have any before and afters to share let me know...I would love to see them. I have been thinking that I may begin posting before and afters on my blog regularly....mine and yours..what do you think?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

rain and sketchbook

Raining here again today! ughhh...we really need some sunshine around here. Today...I hope to scan some old sketchbook doodles and drawings that I have come across (like the one above ;). What else to do in the rain!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

flickr and pastel faces

I have been addicted to FLICKR lately...and it has taken a majority of my precious computer moments. Here are some pastel faces from from my sketchbook I came across the other day.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Miranda...I was thinking I might "refresh" this painting. She has been hanging around in my studio for awhile. I don't know what it is that I am not fond of. It's likely the colour scheme. I don't know. I guess I will sleep on it and if I decide to rework it...I will post my refreshed creation tomorrow.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

rockstar chick

Loving this hatching rock birdie...

Monday, June 22, 2009

newest creation

This is a new background I just finished. More new creations

Thursday, June 18, 2009

digital drawing

I blew the dust off of my wacom tablet today. Such addictive fun. For someone who usually thrives on making a mess...working in Illustrator is surprisingly refreshing. Clean lines and perfectionism. F.U.N.

Friday, June 12, 2009

another before and after

These are zoomed in images of a reworked painting...I still haven't decided if I like the before or after. It is interesting how the dark mood of these sisters seems to have lifted. Thats what rosey cheeks and bubbles will do for you!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


As much as I love gazing at all the lovely art and life stories in blogland...I declare to spend less time peeking around for inspiration and goodies online and more time painting. I love admiring everyones work and seeing what the trends are. Unfortunately it is definately cutting into my precious and infrequent free I am resetting my priorities. Off to be creative now.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I love photoshop...I truly do. My problem is that when I do find time for photoshop fun... I am amazed at the effects...then I can never remember the process! I seriously need to start keeping notes.

be the leader

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I really should be paintbrush in hand tonight, but...I couldn't resist documenting some of my recent sketchbook pages. Do you draw inspiration from keeping a sketchbook or journal? I always keep my sketchbook within reach. It is important to me to express creatively every day. Sometimes as close as I can get is inside these pages.

Friday, June 5, 2009


I picked up some new smaller canvases earlier this week. And there they sit. I am ready to get up to my elbows in messy paints. I am feeling inspired. Will post with new creations soon...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

my brood

Rowan, Georgia, Presley and baby Tessa Jane...
Wow...if anyone told me 15 years ago that I would have 4 children...four?...IV! way!
I never would have believed it in a million years.
We have climbed many a mountain, foothill and bunnyhill, slid down and climbed out of many raveens, valleys and potholes together.
Structure, routine and responsibility were never my strong suit in my younger days. These guys ground me. I am still learning every day...I think they are perfect.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This is MOIRA..she's a crazy party girl. I am really digging the colour combo of the primary colours. Getting back to the basics feels good. Don't get me wrong, I love mixing up all kinds of fab colours. I can't get enough of bright colours, cool patterns and fancy papers. Something as simple as new fancy paper can carry my great mood through the entire day. Do you get me??
Acrylics and collage on 16"x20" gallery wrapped canvas.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the unicycling prince

This has been a spontaneous piece that I just ended up with...Do you ever start with a blank canvas with no preconceived idea or plan of where you are headed? You should try it...its an interesting project! I would love to see what you come up with!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

made to order

This is "ERIN" acrylic collage 16x20 canvas...custom order. Excuse the not so great photograph...and this is painting at the not quite complete stage...but you get the idea.
If you had read a previous post regarding the Art may remember that there was a bidding war over my "Matilda" painting...well..since then, the lady who didn't win in the end called me up for a special request...this painting was a special order requested by this proud mama who's little girl is graduating from requested her daughters fav colours and thought the teapot and cup added a personal touch as this blonde beauty loves her tea time...what do you think?
I have to admit that I don't love doing commissions...I prefer to paint in a more spontaneous manner....but....don't we all?